Discover the Beauty and
Symbolism of historic Architecture

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Best architectural firm in mumbai

Conical Detail
Kufic Calligraphy:
The name of the script derives from Kufa, a city in southern Iraq which was considered as an intellectual center within the early Islamic period. Kufic is defined as a highly angular form of the Arabic alphabet originally used in early copies of the Qur'an.

Al-Jamea tus Safiyah

11,000 SQ. M.

Mumbai’s First Fatimid Dome 


The dome hall which is also known as “Qaat” has a lot of ornamentation, consisting of “Muqaranas” A form of decorative vaulting in Maqaranas, the surface of a dome is subdivided into niche-like cell, they are also known as stalactite vaulting vaults or honeycomb vaulting. 

The Process



“Mudawwara “which is the top portion of the dome that consists of intricate texts that are derived from “Al-jāmeʿ al-anwar, Cairo, Egypt”

Best architectural firm in mumbai

1. Muqarnas

Best architectural firm in mumbai

2. Dome Detail

Best architectural firm in mumbai

3. Detail of the Muqarnas

Best architectural firm in mumbai

Detail 1

Best architectural firm in mumbai

Detail 2

Best architectural firm in mumbai

Detail 3

Detail 4


The section

Detail of dome which is show two portions the “Muqarna” and “Mudawwara”. The integral to the historic buildings that originated in the region. Each detail of in this domes such as the floral designs, carvings, geometrical patterns were inspired and derived from “Al-jāmeʿ al-aqmar, Cairo, Egypt”.

Best architectural firm in mumbai

1. Detailed view

2. Cut section view

Best architectural firm in mumbai

3. Detailed view

Our Vision

Core Design Concept

Hasht Behesht, literally meaning "the Eight Heavens" in Persian, is a 17th-century pavilion in Isfahan, Iran. It was built by order of Suleiman I, the eighth shah of Iran's Safavid Empire, and functioned mainly as a private pavilion.

Architecture :

  • Concept & Programming /
  • Schematic Design /
  • Construction Administration /
  • Bidding & Value Engineering

Interior Architecture :

  • Site Selection /
  • Feasibility Studies /
  • Acquisition Consulting /
  • Due Diligence

Development :

  • Architecture Selections /
  • Interior Construction Documents
Best architectural firm in mumbai

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Best architectural firm in mumbai

Best architectural firm in mumbai

Best architectural firm in mumbai

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